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Hair Color Tricks for Dyeing Your Hair at Home

African Hair Salon In Maryland, Hair Color Tricks for Dyeing Your Hair at Home

Approximately 43 million women in the United States have dyed their hair within the last six months, as reported by research conducted by Nexxus. However, with the vast selection of hair color products, shade variations, and application techniques available, achieving the desired results when dyeing hair at home can be quite challenging. Whether you are considering balayage, dark brown, auburn, blonde, highlights, or other styles, the Good Housekeeping Institute Beauty Lab and professional experts offer valuable insights for attaining and maintaining the stunning hair color you desire.

It is important to keep a few considerations in mind: significant hair color transformations are best reserved for professional salons. A common mistake in DIY dyeing is attempting to shift from one extreme shade to another, such as from black to platinum or from brown to blonde, at home. Such transitions often require multiple steps, which are best handled by a salon colorist skilled in evaluating tones and minimizing potential damage. “When dyeing your hair at home, it is advisable to remain within two shades, either lighter or darker, than your current color,” advises Kari Hill, a celebrity colorist at Mèche Salon in Los Angeles. It is also essential to remember that the final result will likely fall somewhere between your natural color and the shade depicted on the product packaging.

Is it safe to color your hair at home?

It is generally considered safe to dye your hair at home, provided that you adhere to the instructions outlined on the product packaging. However, there are certain exceptions to this guideline. It is advisable to avoid a DIY dye application if you have recently undergone a hair relaxing or perming treatment, as these processes can lead to hair damage. If a salon visit is not feasible, it is recommended to “wait at least seven days after a perm or other treatment before applying color,” according to Sarah Schlosser, manager of Clairol Consumer Relations. Additionally, it is important to note that chemically treated hair tends to absorb color more rapidly, so it is crucial to avoid exceeding the recommended processing time.

To begin, you will need the following items:

• The best-tested boxed hair color from the GH Beauty Lab
• A color brush and bowl
• Makeup removing wipes
• A disposable shower cap
• A handheld mirror
• Latex-free disposable gloves
• Clear solid lip balm

Now, let us proceed with expert tips from top hair color specialists and the GH Beauty Lab on how to achieve professional results while dyeing your hair at home.

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